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His Excellency Dr. Arif Alvi, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan said that traditional sports and games can offer a sense of belonging and partnership and have the power to reach marginalized groups and individuals in his Official Message on the occasion of the International Day of Traditional Sports and Games being held on 14 August.

The President in his Official Message said, "I am pleased to learn that the International Day of Traditional Sports and Games, 14th August 2022 is being held under the auspices of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games (ICTSG).

Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) embrace playful physical competition as well as noncompetitive forms of exercises. The role of sports is enormous in teaching positive value, forming bonds, and building bridges within and between our societies. TSG can offer a sense of belonging and partnership and has the power to reach marginalized groups and individuals. A physically active society finally appears an important factor for creating cultural, social and economic development which contributes to developing ideals and general goals of the United Nations and UNESCO. The recognition of the potential capacity of physical activity and sport to effectively contribute to the amelioration of health, education, culture, civic harmony and social welfare; human, social and economic development, international cooperation and lasting peace.

Traditional sports and games form a significant part of the cultural heritage and are essential pillar of the intangible world heritage of societies. Many traditional sports and games have disappeared or are under threat of extinguish. This is really encouraging that Member States have established the International Platform to preserve and develop the traditional sports and games globally under ICTSG having headquarters in Pakistan.

The Government of Pakistan is determined to preserve and promote traditional and cultural sports in our youth which has also been reflected in the new National Sports Policy specially focusing upon this important element of sports."

The International Day of Traditional Sports and Games is being celebrated worldwide with international sports competitions, seminars and ceremonies are being organized by the members of the ICTSG to showcase and highlight the value and importance of traditional sports and games.

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