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According to the statutes of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games, the Council shall have a Group of Patrons or "GoP" which will have leaders, head of states, political representatives and diplomatic ambassadors as its Members who will help the Council to strengthen its political advocacy and will promote and safeguard traditional and indigenous sports in their respective region whatsoever.

The Group of Patrons of ICTSG:

  • The Group of Patrons shall consist of political/diplomatic representatives of the Member States of the Council preferably the country's President or Prime Minister to provide financial and political support to meet the aims and objectives of ICTSG.
  • The Executive Board, on the recommendation of the President, shall nominate Members to this august Group of Patrons.
  • Patrons shall be entitled to attend all the events held under ICTSG and may also attend the General Assembly Meetings upon special invitation as distinguished guests.

As soon as Members are appointed in this Group, the details will be uploaded on the website.

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