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Dear friends and colleagues in traditional sports,

On behalf of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games, I would like to extend my thanks for your invaluable and continuous support for the safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games.

UNESCO has recognized the importance of traditional sports and games for their intrinsic cultural values and their ability to increase participation in physical activity and sport for almost two decades.

UNESCO Advisory Committee and ICTSG's work in relation to preserving traditional sports and games (TSG) has focused on scientific research, creation of an online encyclopedia, development of guidelines and creation of an international platform, with the participation of relevant stakeholders.

Till now, four Collective Consultation Meetings have been successfully convened by UNESCO, which have been attended by Ministers, government officials, representatives of UNESCO Permanent Delegations, experts and many other stakeholders.

The Fourth Collective Consultation that was held in Istanbul gathered more than 82 participants from 40 countries including Ministers, experts and international organizations with the aim of further developing the program on the revitalization of traditional sports and games under UNESCO and ICTSG.

The International Platform to be called as International Council of Traditional Sports and Games (ICTSG) was formally established and Statutes were approved.

As TSG grows rapidly around the globe, we assure you our best efforts to promote them.

It is our fervent hope that as more and more Member States, international federations, governmental organizations, experts become part of the TSG Family, it will result in the promotion and development of traditional sports and games not only in one region, but in every city and every district of the world.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Khalil Ahmed Khan

President ICTSG

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