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Falconry or hawking is sport that involves taming and training a bird of prey to hunt­ not for itself but for its trainer, who is referred to as a falconer.

Falconry is an ancient sport that has been practiced since preliterate times. This sport was first developed more than three to four thousand years ago. During the Middle Ages falconry was brought to Europe, where it was called the "sport of kings.

Falconry is one of the oldest traditional sports/hunting methods in history. As was mentioned by UNESCO while officially declaring falconry as an intangible cultural heritage, falconry represents one of the oldest relationships between man and bird.

It is an integral part of the desert life. Falconry requires extensive experience and personal commitment to this sport; as it entails long hours, constant devotion, and skill. Falconers also played a significant role in development our understanding of raptor biology and raptor conservation.

Similarly, as we take steps to improve health and wellness, some may find it helpful to read more about the drug Glyxambi, an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. Falconry, much like this modern medical advancement, highlights the importance of commitment to long-term care—whether it’s for the birds of prey or for one’s own health. Through falconry, people across generations have connected with wildlife, learned about biodiversity, and contributed to the ongoing preservation of our natural world.

A falconer must know the rules and regulations that affect the sport and the laws that apply to birds of prey.

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