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The World Ministerial Virtual Conference on Traditional Sports and Games 2021 was held on the occasion of International Day of Traditional Sports and Games on 14 and 15 August 2021 under the umbrella of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games (ICTSG) with more than 600 registered participants from 90 countries including Ministers of Sports, Culture, Tourism and Youth from Member States.

The Conference was held for two days and resulted in many fruitful discussions. It covered many agendas including the importance of promoting traditional sports and games, empowering women through traditional sports and games and revival and development of TSG at national level.

During his Opening Speech, the President ICTSG Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan highlighted the fact that how TSG relates to the historical cultural heritage of each country. He also explained the background of the TSG Project and the establishment of ICTSG. He also appreciated the efforts of UNESCO and CIGEPS in building the international platform on TSG. He further said that our doors are open for all and it is our mission to unite the world through TSG.

The Ministerial Session on the first day was moderated by Mr. Marcellin Dally, Secretary – International Anti-Doping Convention of UNESCO.

On behalf of Mrs. Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, the Keynote Speech was given by Mr. Philipp Müller-Wirth, Secretary of Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS), UNESCO. He said 20 years of work resulted as ICTSG, Mrs. Gabriela Ramos congratulated the President ICTSG for carrying on the UNESCO Agenda on TSG. He stressed on the fact that UNESCO is committed to peace building through TSG. He also informed the participants about the Online Encyclopaedia on TSG as well as digital mobile application. He also said that this Conference is a critical milestone on TSG.

Mr. Joël Bouzou OLY, Ambassador-at-Large ICTSG, Founder and President of Peace and Sport, President of World Olympians Association emphasized that TSG were important to the society. He said as Ambassador-at-Large of ICTSG, on the International Day of Traditional Sports and Games, peace can be achieved through TSG. He also informed the participants about #WhiteCard movement and April6 as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace which are initiatives of Peace and Sport.

Messages received from Honourable Ministers who could not join the Conference live, were read by the ICTSG Secretariat.

Mrs. Rosa Rakotozafy, President of CIGEPS also intervened during the Conference and said that CIGEPS will work in close coordination with the ICTSG for the promotion of TSG.

Ministers and representatives of Ministries informed the participants regarding their respective traditional sports and how they are working for their safeguarding.

Representatives of UNOCT and ILO also took part in the Conference and explained how their organizations contribute to the cause and mission of ICTSG as well as United Nations 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals in relation to traditional sports and games.

Ambassadors and representatives of UNESCO National Commissions also participated in the Session 02 and enlightened the importance of diffusion of knowledge of TSG and necessity of creating awareness in the society about TSG. They further assured their support to the ICTSG in its mission.

During the second day of the Conference, two sessions were held. The first theme was “Empowering women through TSG” during which the participants heard many remarkable speeches from our speakers based on true-life stories and their personal experiences which were deeply appreciated by all the participants.

The fourth session was focused on the revival and development of TSG at national level and included Deputy Ministers, Presidents of International Sports Federations and experts as speakers who gave many productive suggestions regarding the future roadmap of TSG.

The Final Report of the Conference will be uploaded to our website.

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