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The International Council of Traditional Sports and Games and Government of Mongolia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for future cooperation and promotion of traditional sports and games particularly in Mongolia.

On the invitation of the Government of Mongolia, through its National Commission for UNESCO, the ICTSG Delegation headed by President Mr Khalil Ahmed Khan visited Ulaanbataar - Mongolia from 14th November to 21st November 2019. The Delegation attended the Scientific Conference organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Mongolia through its implementing agency on the topic of Mongolian traditional sports. President Khan explained the importance of TSG to the participants and ensured that the ICTSG will do its best efforts to preserve and promote traditional sports and games all around the world.

A MoU was signed between ICTSG and Government of Mongolia which ensured future cooperation between the two parties and they agreed to initiate joint efforts for the safeguarding and development of Traditional Sports and Indigenous Games. The Parties also ensured to take measures in the line of achievement of Sustainable  development and popularization of traditional sports in Mongolia in terms of consolidated efforts by each party according to task and functions agreed upon.

( President ICTSG Khalil Ahmed Khan presenting official Souvenir to the Vice Minister Mr. Ganbayar Ganbold of Sports Ministry)

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