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First Technical Meeting of the UNESCO Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) was convened at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris in December 2017.

PARIS: This First Technical Meeting gathered specialized working groups of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to build on the outcomes of the Third Collective Consultation on the Safeguarding and Promotion of Traditional Sports and Games, prepare the Fourth Collective Consultation, and monitor activities of the TSG programme.

The Meeting was attended by Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Pere Burgues Lavega Chairperson of the Working Group I, Mr. Wolfgang Baumann, Mr. Pierre Parlebas Chairperson of the Working Group III, Ms. Areeba Khalil Rapporteur of the Working Group II, Mr. Ezzeddine Bouzid, Rapporteur of the Workimg Group III, Mr. Shammi Rana Rapporteur of the Committee and Mr. Guy Jaouen, Mr. Finn Berggren, Mr. Alexey Kylasov attended the Meeting as observers. Ms. Angela Melo, Mr. Alexander Schischlik, Mr. Marcellin Dally and Mr. Jonathan Lorcher-beaudran were also present during the Meeting.

The Permanent Delegations of the following countries also attended the Meeting, Republic of Madagascar, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Malaysia and Russian Federation.

In accordance with the objectives set, the meeting opened with a presentation of the programme, strategy and inputs from the third collective consultation. The Secretariat thus invited participants to comment on the agenda and working documents. After amending the agenda, participants divided themselves into working groups following the composition of the established specialized working groups.

Participants reviewed the tools and documents that were adapted to gradually progress. It has been agreed that working papers will be sent to participants to be returned completed in early 2018.

During the Meeting, it was recommended that UNESCO TSG Group of Friends should be established that would consist of UNESCO Permanent Delegations of Member States to strengthen political advocacy and structure exchanges with experts.

The Final Report of the Meeting can be found here.

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