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TSG Delegation headed by President ICTSG Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan visited South Korea in the month of March 2019 to discuss the possible cooperation for the promotion of traditional sports and games in South Korea.

SEOUL: A delegation of the UNESCO Advisory Committee headed by Chairman Khalil Ahmed Khan and Rapporteur Shammi K. Rana visited South Korea in the last week of March 2019 on the invitation of the President of the Korea Halal Authority to discuss the opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.

During this visit, Members of the Advisory Committee from South Korea, Lee Jong Hak, Kim Jong Tae and Jung Han Kun also accompanied the Delegation during the visit.

The Authority also arranged Meetings with local administration/municipalities and Mayors of different major cities of the country. The agendas of these Meetings included organizing of different activities of traditional sports and games under the patronage of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games.

The Delegation was also invited by the President of the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee Mr. KEE-HEUNG LEE for a Meeting.

Meetings were also held with Members of Parliament of the Republic of Korea who expressed interest for the safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games in South Korea.

The Authority also invited the Chairman for a visit in September 2019 as a Guest Speaker in the South East Asia Conference 2019.

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