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During the first Technical Meeting of the UNESCO Advisory Committee on TSG in December 2017, the UNESCO TSG Group of Friends was established that would consist of UNESCO Permanent Delegations of Member States to strengthen political advocacy and structure exchanges with experts.

Letters were written to the Member States with the request of joining this Group of Friends by signing the Letter of Commitment for the safeguarding and promotion of traditional sports and games.

Till now, the following Member States have joined the Group by signing the LoC through their Ministries, UNESCO Permanent Delegations and/or UNESCO National Commissions:

Country Date of Joining
Republic of South Korea 4-May-2018
Federal Republic of Nigeria 17-May-2018
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 27-May-2018
Independent State of Samoa  29-May-2018
Republic of Malawi 1-Jun-2018
Republic of Sierra Leone 6-Jun-2018
Republic of The Gambia 6-Jun-2018
Republic of Mauritius 18-Jun-2018
Republic of Azerbaijan 20-Jul-2018
United Republic of Tanzania 25-Jul-2018
Republic of Palau 6-Aug-2018
Republic of Kazakhstan 9-Aug-2018
Guinea 13-Aug-2018
Republic of Cote d'Ivoire 13-Aug-2018
Republic of Madagascar 14-Aug-2018
Republic of Zambia 28-Dec-2018
Islamic Republic of Pakistan 11-Jan-2019
Republic of the Niger 2-Feb-2019
Republic of Turkey 11-Feb-2019
Republic of Bulgaria 20-Feb-2019
Republic of Ghana 21-Mar-2019
Republic of Guatemala 15-Apr-2019
State of Kuwait 06-May-2019
Belize 14-May-2019
Mongolia 17-Jul-2019
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