International Council of Traditional Sports and Games (ICTSG) has many extraordinary personalities as part of it's team.


Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan

Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan is the Founder President of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. He is also the President of International Association of Traditional Wrestling Sports, Asian Belt Wrestling Federation and Pakistan Ju Jitsu Federation and heads many other sports organizations as well. Mr. Khan is a lawyer by profession and holds LLB Degree along with Masters of Political Sciences from University of the Punjab. He was also elected as Chairman of the former UNESCO Advisory Committee on Traditional Sports and Games in 2017.


Mr. Joel Bouzou

Mr. Joel Bouzou is the Ambassador-at-Large of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games at world level. He is also the Founder and President of Peace and Sport Organization and the current President of the World Olympians Association. He has competed in four consecutive Olympic Games. Mr. Bouzou holds a Diploma in Sports Law and Economics from the University of Limoges. He is also the Advisor of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Vice President 

Mr. Yahya Al Matarr Jobe

Mr. Yahya Al Matarr Jobe is the Regional Vice President for the African Region of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. He is also President of the Union of Africa Traditional Sports and Games. He has also served as the Deputy Permanent Delegate of the Gambia at the Permanent Delegation of the Gambia at UNESCO and also responsible for the coordination between the African Member States for the promotion of traditional sports and games being the Official Coordinator for Africa.

Vice President(Africa) 

Mr. Micheal Shamsu Mustapha

Mr. Michael Shamu Mustapha is the Vice President of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games from Africa. He is also the President of African Traditional Sports and Games Confederation (a continental body of ICTSG). In lieu of Article 8(b)(ii)(a) a regional vice president is part of the Executive Board of ICTSG.

Official Coordinator 

Mr. Finn Berggren

Mr. Finn Berggren is the Official Coordinator of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. He also heads the Gerlev Academy in Denmark which is an institution that has been promoting traditional sports and games (TSG) in the Nordic region. Mr. Berggren has been involved with the TSG Project of UNESCO since 2006 and was also part of the UNESCO former Advisory Committee on TSG.

Official Coordinator (Pacific)

Mr. Harko H Brown

Mr. Harko Brown is the Official Coordinator for the Pacific Region of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. He is also an expert on Traditional Maori games and play and has been involved in the field of traditional sports and games since more than two decades. He is also the author of several books on indigenous cultural heritage and traditional sports and has led been appointed by the New Zealand government to lead the country in the World Indigenous Games. Mr Brown is also a University lecturer and teacher and holds a Masters Degree in Sports.


Regional Coordinator (South America)

Mrs. Soraia Chung Saura

Mrs. Soraia Chung Saura is the Regional Coordinator for the South American Region of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. She is currently working as a Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is also the author of many research books on traditional games and is one of the advocates for women empowerment through traditional sports.


Director Sports & Games

Mr. Babar Qayyum Raja

Mr. Babar Qayyum Raja is the Director Sports and Games of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games. He is also the Chairman of Agri-Tourism Development Corporation and Chief Executive of Meadows Resorts and Organics. Mr Raja himself is a tent pegger (Neza Baaz) which is one of the most popular traditional sports in Asia and a jeep racer. He has also been involved in many social projects for the development of sports, agriculture, heritage, environment and tourism.


Research and Publication Commission of ICTSG

ICTSG Advisory Committee on Traditional Sports and Indigenous Games